Product Photography for Hong Kong Beer Co.

Product Photography for Hong Kong Beer Co.

Early bird catches the worm they say, but in my case, early birds (my intern Jeffrey and I) got to visit a brewing factory. Since the holiday seasons were coming up, I had been called upon by the Hong Kong Beer Co. to Christmas up their beer for some product photography. The aim was to spruce up their Facebook and Instagram content, and to have some photos on hand for general marketing. Yes, I know it’s wayyyy past Christmas by now but I love these so much I’d like to share these with you!

Hong Kong Beer Company • Food product photography by Tracy Wong
Sevens beer named after Rugby Sevens, Hong Kong Beer Company • Christmas themed photoshoot by Tracy Wong
Hong Kong Beer Co's Big Wave Bay

The idea of a product photoshoot came out of necessity, as they needed some professional photos done of their gift pack. We brainstormed a bit and came up with the idea of a Christmas countdown. With 6 bottled beers available in their line of craft beers, along with a cask beer, the gift pack, and another draught beer, we had enough variety to even do a 12-days of Christmas series on Instagram!

The brewing room was humid and moist from the constant drainage of boiled water. The steam provided a nice curtain of a background for the products, whilst creating sexy condensation droplets on the beer bottles, making it look that much more refreshing. Considering that I had to portray the beer as a masculine product, I had to limit the amount of ornaments used so that the manliness didn’t get diluted by the festivity. I think it turned out to be a pretty good balance!

Christmas product photography by Tracy Wong • Hong Kong Beer Company

A couple of shots were done in the cold room, where the floor was a nice industrial concrete. Cold winds that smelled overwhelmingly of hops blew on my back while I photographed the individual beers. Things got a bit scary when we had to turn off the lights inside the cold room for better lighting control… so glad I wasn’t trapped inside!

Craft Beer "Hong Kong Beer" • Product photography by Tracy Wong

It was definitely a pleasure working with Hong Kong Beer Co. and I’m looking forward to the opening of their new bar, Craft Revolution, so we can return for another photoshoot! This time the focus will not only be about the product and food, but also on the interiors. They have some cool ideas brewing and I can’t wait for the opportunity to capture them on camera.

Hong Kong Beer Company's Gambler's Gold • Christmas photoshoot by Tracy Wong
The White Pearl craft beer by Hong Kong Beer Co. • Photography by Tracy Wong

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