The Hong Kong Tourism Board commissioned for a series of short videos as a group effort to promote Hong Kong’s New Year’s Eve countdown festivities.
The project included six individual Instagrammers from Hong Kong to show their own interpretations of “celebrated moments”. We were to conduct our own shoots in iconic Hong Kong night scenes, and the locations I worked with included the famous Instagram Pier in Sai Wan, the Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui, and “lookup” architectural sites such as China Hong Kong City.
The project brief seemed simple, but it was also a challenge to tell a compelling story in the 3-second time limit to each clip.
For my interpretations, my common theme was dance. In spontaneous, non-choreographed forms, the dances emerged from a young child with her mother, friends on the street, and individuals. From each clip, I wanted to elicit different emotions from the body movement.
With the toddler and mom, they had a sweet, adorable moment together, with their skirts flowing in the wind, looking carefree. The 3 friends dancing showed a great sense of excitement. They used their own styles to stand out in the backlit setting, showing only their silhouettes and arms decorated with colorful glowsticks.
In the final scenario, different individuals glided through the air over the camera, against stunning architecture. Shot at an upward angle, the clip demonstrated a different way to look at Hong Kong.
The final clips were presented as Instagram campaigns on each participating account, on @discoverhongkong on Instagram, released on YouTube and displayed on digital billboards throughout Hong Kong.
Client: Hong Kong Tourism Board